Sunday, July 12, 2009


A special & unique dance form called The chicken dance performed by a local dance group in the Lions Club Dist. Award function . This dance form is said to have been derived from the various dance forms of Chakasang tribe during the harvesting period .I had a great time watching it , I hope you have too .

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


A tribute to a dancing genius . As Michael Jackson last rites were performed yesterday night , I remembered the time when the King of Pop unintentionally became my dancing guru . As I watched him make those moves on TV , I wanted to imitate him . I wondered , is he a man or a robot . I remember aping his style as a kid & getting first prize in dance competitions at friends birthday parties . I remember the grown ups wanting to watch me dance . As I grew up , I became shy , enough to hide the dancing kid in matured self . But I still remember the physical freedom I used to feel when I would dance & I m sure I was not the only one who wanted to ape MJ as a kid .
Today I pay tribute to the man who taught me to fly as a kid . I will not like to remember him for all his personal controversies but as the king who taught me how to dance . He might have had a painful material life , but I hope he is happy & in peace , wherever he is now . .Thank you MJ

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